Ever wondered why you should buy your beef directly from a farmer?

Now is a great time to support the local economy. But what are some other benefits to buying your beef directly from a farmer? Check out our website for more info, and keep reading to find out more. 



1.) Lower prices


Generally, you can expect to find better beef prices when buying directly, as this eliminates the costs associated with selling to a grocery store or going through a middleman. During a pandemic when meat costs are soaring due to plant shutdowns is an especially good time to take advantage of this.


2.) Transparency

When you buy from a local rancher like Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, you know exactly what you’re getting. You can visit their land, ask about the feed and practices they use, and know you’re getting the best product. When you don’t buy directly, you may not know what’s going into your meat.


3.) Buy in bulk

When you buy a large amount of meat at once, there are many options that you could use it for. As soon as it’s processed, it is perfect for freezing for later. You could also split the beef with another family, if that’s a better and more economical choice for you. Buying in bulk also lets you have consistency; when you buy a side, you know all that meat is coming from the same cow. You get uniformity in your beef, and now you have a freezer full of beef that’s ready for whenever you need it!


4.) Support the economy

It’s no secret that buying directly from a rancher helps support local business, which is more important now than ever in a pandemic. You get to know the people you’re buying from, as well as the product you’re buying. 


We know you’re going to love the experience and the product when you purchase our grass-fed beef directly from us. Our meat is fresh and processed through Chop-N-Block conveniently for you. Visit our website to learn more and reserve your beef today.