We live in a time where healthy food is more popular than ever. One of the primary categories marketed to consumers is organic food, including organic meat. While that may sound great, we’ll go over some specifics you need to know in today’s blog. For more information on grass-fed beef and your health, check out our other blog posts. 

First, it’s important to clarify the definition of each category. Organic beef means the cow was not given antibiotics, hormones or man-made pesticides as it was raised. Grass-fed animals, in contrast, are raised in pastures and get their nutrition by grazing. Depending on the specification, they may also finish with a mixture of corn or soy products. Many grass-fed beef options are also organic; however, organic does not necessarily mean grass-fed. 

When cattle do not get fed their natural diet of pure grass that they would eat in the wild, they become inherently less healthy. Some of this is intentional and moderated, like finishing on corn. Many cows in factory farms receive a heavy corn and soy diet to ensure quick weight gain. To find out more about Dark Hammock’s grass-fed beef composition, visit our website

The cows whose diets lack grass could still qualify as organic, depending on their other feed. The large amounts of corn and soy will cause an unhealthy ratio of omega 6 to omega 3 fats, which isn’t good for the animal or the beef consumer later on. 

This ratio, which could be as much as 20:1, is pro-inflammatory and passes on to us when we eat the beef. Inflammation is the precursor of many chronic diseases. This type of beef is higher in saturated fats, which we as humans often try to avoid. Make the right choice for your body by purchasing grass-fed beef. 

For more information on why grass-fed is superior to organic beef, feel free to contact us. We’re proud of our work, and we know you’ll enjoy the product. Your body will thank you!