
Why Is Grass-Fed Beef So Expensive?

For someone who hasn’t purchased a lot of grass-fed beef before, the prices can look hefty compared to conventional beef. After all, shouldn’t grass-fed beef be cheaper anyway? Grass-fed cattle farms don’t have the additional expenses of so much grain, [...]

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How to Grill Grass-Fed Beef

Ever wondered how to cook grass-fed beef? We’ve got the perfect recipe! Did you know that grass-fed beef should actually be cooked a little differently than grain-finished, commercially-available beef? We’re here to give you some shopping and cooking tips.  Many [...]

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Confused About Cuts?

You’ve decided you want to purchase some delicious and nutritious grass-fed beef. However, you quickly feel over your head. What are the differences among all the many cuts of beef? How do you know what to do with each one? [...]

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Selling Directly to the Consumer

Farmers are forging their own path during shutdowns. You may have heard that there’s a meat shortage during this pandemic. Workers falling ill and increased health policies have forced meat processing plants to change the way they work, if not [...]

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