
Identify Your Herd’s Predators

If you’re a cattle owner, you know how important it is to protect your herd. Livestock loss is a major issue to ranches all over Florida, especially calf loss. According to the USDA’s 2015 report on livestock loss, ranches suffered [...]

By |Cattle|

Selenium Is Key to Cattle Health

Selenium (Se), an element on the periodic table and a mineral found in soil, rocks, and water, is an essential trace element for ruminants like cattle and sheep. While it isn’t required in high amounts, without it, cows can suffer [...]

By |Cattle|

The Future of Thermal Genetics in Cattle

As global temperatures continue to rise and populations and food needs grow, ranchers struggle to produce cattle more efficiently and ethically. Some researchers at the University of Florida are working to improve cattle’s ability to withstand hot summer temperatures by [...]

By |Cattle|

How Do Cattle Get Protein? 

Cows eat grass, right? Most cattle get a mixture of fresh grass, stored hay in the wintertime, and, if they’re conventionally raised or finished, a mixture of grains and other add-ins to fatten them up. But how do cattle get [...]

By |Educational|
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