You’ve heard us talk before about the differences between grass-fed beef and grain-finished beef. Though these cows may have similar beginnings, the finishing process features a stark contrast. We’ll show you today why scientists are researching how these differences could affect our environment. You’ll find more information on environmental impact in our blog.

Almost every cow is starting out in a pasture of some sort; however, grain-finished cattle are moved to a feedlot and fed a diet of corn and other high energy grains at the end of their lives. They’re also likely fed a combination of preventative antibiotics or other growth hormones to prevent disease and aid in putting on weight quickly. In contrast, grass-finished cattle spend their whole lives in a pasture.

The grass-fed cattle movement is based on a larger idea called regenerative agriculture or holistic management. It maintains that grazing ruminant populations, like cattle, are key to a healthy ecosystem. Visit our website to find out more about how we farm. 

We can see evidence of this in history, where bison used to freely roam plains and prairies. This land didn’t have to be plowed to plant corn to feed the cattle, and deep-rooted grasses were allowed to flourish. These grasses helped prevent erosion, and some even suspect the events of the Dust Bowl would have been greatly reduced if these herds had still been around. The livestock helped promote soil health. 

Returning cattle to pasture off the land for their entire lives can have many benefits, including restoring soil microbial diversity, which makes the land more resilient to flooding and drought. It can also boost the nutrient content of the plants, enhancing the flavor of the livestock that graze off them. 

If that doesn’t convince you, we know the great taste of our grass-fed beef will. Visit our website to get yours today. There’s nothing better than supporting a local business and the planet.