If you’ve been following Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch for a while, you can probably attest to some of the health benefits that come with eating grass-fed beef. Today, we’re bringing you some information you might not know. We’ll cover sustainability, carbon footprint and more. Keep reading to be in the know so you can share the benefits of grass-fed beef with your friends. As always, to enhance your knowledge even more, you can check out our blog

When we know what our cattle are supposed to eat, it does wonders for their health. And as we know, whatever benefits their health in turn benefits the health of consumers. Cows are ruminant animals, meaning they are designed to eat grasses, not grains. When we adhere to that, as we do at Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch with our grass-fed beef, we end up with a more nutritious product. We can also avoid the use of many hormones, antibiotics and steroids by feeding a cow their natural diet. In this way, we can increase sustainability and nutrition on our ranch.

As the animals naturally graze in the pasture, their habits and the habits of their caretakers encourage carbon sequestration and revitalization of the land. Contrary to what you may have heard, grazing is excellent for the land. Nature works together to achieve environmental growth. Grass grows back quickly in the pastures. Avoiding tilling allows for a maximum amount of carbon dioxide to be taken out of the air, and leaves pastures ready after rotation for cattle to return to them. 

Finally, the process of raising grass-fed beef relies on very little use of gasoline-dependent machinery. We’re controlling erosion around waterways by providing alternative resources for cattle to drink, which keeps our streams pristine. Allowing manure to spread naturally also keeps pollutants out of the water and helps us reduce our carbon footprint.

Eager to learn more about what we do here? Want to see the work we do here with your own eyes? Visit our website to learn about taking a tour of our ranch