Florida is a top beef producer, but even throughout the state, climate and landscape can change drastically. From swampy marshlands to flat regions, each place has crops that work best there. We’ll help you choose the right forage for your cattle and farm. Today, we’re focusing on limpograss, which is better for sandy, wet soil. We’ve got years of experience here at Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, and we want to share that with you. Visit our website to learn about our history, and keep reading to learn about limpograss.

Limpograss, otherwise known as hemarthria altissima, was first introduced to Florida in 1964. Since then, many organizations have been hard at work studying it and finding ways to make it better. While limpograss has several overall benefits, specific cultivars show certain strengths. While four were initially released in the 1970s and 1980s, and deficiencies addressed shortly after that, two more have been recently developed. 

This grass does well in flat or gently sloping soil. It’s favored among Florida ranchers due to its ability to grow in sand and poorly drained areas. Limpograss is a perennial, warm-season grass, and should be planted in Florida’s wet season (June through August) or as early as April if irrigation is used. Allow the grass to establish before grazing or mowing. 

Ranchers also favor limpograss for its ability to grow after a frost or freeze. Since it can actively grow in late fall, this grass is perfect for use in stockpiled forage. Cows love it, too, as it’s highly digestible, especially when compared to other summer grasses. While this variety does maintain much of its overall nutritional value as it matures, protein concentration does drop, so be sure to substitute. Want to taste some grass-fed beef for yourself? Check out our website

Limpograss is the perfect choice for rainy, soggy, sandy areas. Your cows will love it, and your consumers will, too. Be sure to visit our blog for more information on Florida forage options.