Beef and Sustainability: Victories and Growth for the Future
While greenhouse gasses might be a common thought associated with beef, the industry has taken huge leaps in the direction of improved sustainability. It all starts at the hands of individual ranches, like Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch. We’re doing our [...]
Cattle Drive a Portion of Florida’s Economy
The cattle and beef industry contribute to our everyday lives in the form of jobs, food, and great economic impact, both for our local community and the state of Florida. At Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, we’re excited to be part [...]
Cattle Ranches: A Benefit to All
Stop and think about it. Can you count the ways cattle ranches are great for the earth, the community, and those who get to visit and be part of them? We’re taking this time at Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch to [...]
Let’s Talk About Copper: Questions and Answers for Cattle Ranchers
Experienced ranchers know that a cattle’s diet requires a well-balanced mixture of minerals. In order to provide the nutrients necessary, farmers have to carefully monitor their forage and the condition of their cattle, along with any necessary supplements. Today we’ll [...]
Soaring Beef Prices Make Shopping Local the Way to Go
We’ve seen beef prices increase nationwide over the last few years. Much of that impact was because of COVID, but what continues to affect the industry today? Many ranchers are struggling with the high cost of feed, and extreme weather [...]
Summer Heat Wave Is Hard on Cattle, Too
Cattle feel those extremely warm temperatures, just like we do when we’re outside in the summertime. Florida is especially prone to hot temperatures, high humidity, and unrelenting sun, so raising cattle here can prove to be a special challenge. At [...]