If you use pasture rotation as a grazing method, you’re probably moving your cattle pretty often. Even if you’re not, every rancher has to move their cattle from time to time. This can be a stressful event for humans and cattle alike, but it doesn’t have to be. In today’s blog, we’ll share some of Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch’s tips for success regarding cattle handling. For more ranching tips, visit our blog

Why Stress-Free Cattle Handling is Important
Improper handling when loading cattle onto a truck may cause bruising and injury to your animals, which will ultimately impact your bottom line. The effects go deeper too, as improper handling also refers to the stress placed on the animal during transport. High stress can cause an increase in disease, lower birth rates, and an overall decline in health. To see some of our stress-free cattle grazing areas, come visit us on an agritour

Interacting with the World Around Them
Cattle can see some colors. You can use this knowledge to your advantage. They may balk at a sudden change in color, so keeping a trailer or offloading area a smooth, uniform color can assist in getting cattle to want to move from place to place. Many also show a preference toward light areas versus darkness, so light areas you want them to enter. 

Interacting with Other Living Beings
Cows have a very narrow blind spot directly behind them; they boast a field of vision that’s over 300 degrees (humans have about 180 degrees)! They might get jumpy at sudden movement, so keep their field of vision in mind as you move around them. They do have a wider range of hearing than humans, but have similar skills when it comes to locating where a sound is coming from. Eliminate distractions for smooth moving, like dog barks, yelling, or loud gates and chains rattling. Some amount of noise can assist in moving cattle. 

We hope these tips will help make moving your cattle a piece of cake. To learn more about what we do here at Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, visit our website