People who are used to cooking conventional beef from the grocery store might be displeased after their first time cooking grass-fed beef. They might think the beef is tough, but that’s because the cooking processes for conventional and grass-fed beef are different. Grass-fed beef cows have well-developed muscles from roaming in pasture, but the texture doesn’t have to be tough when cooked right. We’ll explore some common mistakes here, and visit our blog for more grass-fed beef cooking tips. 

  • The Pan Isn’t Hot Enough: Searing the beef at a high temperature locks in the moisture. If the pan or grill isn’t preheated hot enough though, it can result in toughened muscle fibers. Searing should be done quickly, followed by placing the steak in a lower temperature oven or area of the grill to continue cooking. You can also try the reverse sear technique, aka switching the order of temperature.
  • The Meat is Cold: Cooking beef that’s come right out of the refrigerator is another easy mistake to make. Cold beef will cook unevenly, leaving some parts underdone and others overdone. To avoid making this mistake, take the beef out of the refrigerator, season it well, and let it rest on a baking sheet before cooking.
  • Trusting Your Gut and Not the Thermometer: Grass-fed beef cooks faster than grain-fed, so it’s important to monitor it to avoid overcooking and chewy textures. Take the steak off the heat when it’s about 10 degrees Fahrenheit below your desired doneness, and let it rest while it continues cooking and locks in all the juices and flavor. Ready to get your hands on a tender and flavorful grass-fed steak? Visit our website to purchase your own

Grass-fed beef cuts are delicious, and nutritious and have a melt-in-your-mouth feel when cooked correctly. With these tips, you’ll be on your way to impressing everyone with your cooking skills. To learn more about us and our grass-fed cattle, visit our website