With new technology and the evolution of shopping trends, it’s more common than ever to make everyday purchases online. Online shopping makes acquiring essentials even easier, from toiletries to groceries. Many might even venture to purchase beef online through ranches like Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, making supporting your local community even more accessible than ever. However, there are some points to look out for in order to get the best beef for your money. You can find out more on this blog today. 

The Importance of Asking Questions
When you’re researching a new online retailer, you want to ensure they take secure payment methods, provide transparency in their business practices, and really are who they say they are. The same goes for beef transactions. Communication is key, whether you’re purchasing in-person or online. Ask questions about cuts, price, the cattle’s diet, and any hormones or antibiotics used. If the seller is reluctant to give these up or communicate openly with you, look for your beef elsewhere. At Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, we take pride in our work, and want to share it with you!

Let’s Verify
Just as with any online business, the reviews speak for themselves. Check in trusted places to see the retailer’s reputation, or speak with others who have done business with them or other trusted members of the community. If you’re purchasing from a meat processor, ensure you understand what you’re buying. Many ranchers might sell to one processor to be packaged under that label together. Another option is to buy directly from a singular ranch.

See for Yourself
We mentioned how important transparency is. Look for opportunities to learn more about the beef ranch. Do they offer ag tours to see behind-the-scenes? Are they forthcoming about their processing, including cleanliness and inspection standards? Now is a great time to inquire about ethical concerns, environmentally-friendly measures, and transportation and shipping methods. 

With some careful forethought, you too can enjoy quality, local, grass-fed beef right from your community. We encourage you to give Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch a try, and would be honored to serve you with our professional standards.