Grass-fed beef is a delicious type of meat; if you’ve had it, we’re sure you agree! It can be more difficult and require a little more finesse to cook than its conventional beef counterpart, though. The process isn’t hard, and with our tips, you’ll be nailing that grass-fed beef every time. Stay tuned for some easy cooking tips, and visit our website for a variety of delicious recipes.

Understand the Freezer
If you’re buying grass-fed beef in bulk, like from Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, you’ll become very familiar with your freezer, as it’s an essential tool for preserving your meat. There are some right and wrong ways to use it, though. Even a small amount of air exposure on the meat can lead to freezer burn, which will zap the luxurious tastes you get with grass-fed beef right out of the cut. Use vacuum-sealed wrapping when you can, or leave it to the experts at Chop-N-Block, our partners in processing. Let it thaw in the refrigerator and come up to room temperature on the counter before cooking.

Account for Fat Content
Grass-fed beef is leaner than conventional beef, nearly 3x leaner. This comes from their diet and the way they’re moving around much more than cows in feedlots; they’re getting more exercise! Cooking grass-fed beef is the perfect time to add in some high-quality fats to add to the experience. Break out the fancy oil or grass-fed butter for a delicious complement to the flavor profile.

Let It Rest
Though the USDA recommends letting beef rest for at least 3 minutes after cooking and before serving to ensure any bacteria is gone, we recommend waiting for 10 minutes for grass-fed beef. This beef can easily dry out and lose its juice if not careful, but letting it rest a full 10 minutes allows the cooking process to finish and the juices to stay locked inside.

Combine these tips with a recipe from our website, a great cut of steak from yours truly, and a springtime cookout for a hit at the dinner table. Take it a step further and host your organization’s retreat with us. Learn more on our website