Meat is in almost every meal we eat, so the flavor, quality, and source of the meat makes a huge impact in our daily lives and health and nutrition. If you’re looking for the best meat around, shopping directly from farms like Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch and our partner processor Chop-N-Block is the way to go. We’ll break down the details in this blog. 

Customer Service

When you purchase beef from a ranch like Dark Hammock, you’ll talk directly to a real person, perhaps over email, a contact or order form, or over the phone. You’re not a number; you’re a person with a name who’s looking to purchase some great quality beef. If you have questions about the beef itself, it’s easy to get an answer when you’re working within your own community directly with real people who are happy to get you what you need, not someone in a call center far away. 

A Source You Can Trust

Shopping right from Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch means no more picking up mystery meat in the grocery store. You don’t know where that meat is from, if it was sourced from a factory farm (likely in many circumstances), or if the animal was finished on grain or grass. Were the company’s processing plants properly cleaned and sanitized? Did they provide safe working environments? When working with Dark Hammock and Chop-N-Block, you can rest assured knowing your beef comes from pure pastures and safe equipment. Have more questions? Drop us a line

Unbeatable Quality

Our beef has a richer, fresher taste than what you’ll find in the supermarket. That’s because that beef is older, and might not even be packaged well. Pairing our quality beef with the processing and packaging services from Chop-N-Block means you’ll have a product that tastes delicious far after it hits your freezer shelves. 

We’re confident you’ll be happy with the quality, the taste, the freshness, and the customer service experience provided to you when you shop directly from Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch and our partner Chop-N-Block. Buy your beef from a source you know and can trust.