If you’re contemplating adding on to your ranch production, a small beef operation could be the perfect fit. Cows can diversify your farm and complement other parts of your ranch. Excess cropland that might be better fitted to growing grass is a great way to utilize every area of your farm. Many leftover forages can’t be digested easily by livestock, but cows, being ruminant animals, often do just fine. Visit our blog for information on aspects of running a ranch. Here are some areas to consider when deciding on a small beef production.

This can vary greatly from farm to farm. We suggest working through an itemized list of expenses. Account for startup costs and low profit margins. Decide when you will sell and breed.

Identify how much you know about beef production. Even if you’ve spent years around cattle and feel confident in raising them, are you up to date on industry standards and new research on feed? Perhaps you’ll need a nutritionist or even a business manager to handle the financial aspects of the farm. Get in touch with a veterinarian. Understand the areas where you’ll seek out more education.

What are you starting with and what will you need to acquire? This can cover everything from the cows themselves to feed or grass seed, land or fencing. Keep in mind that it may be hard to recoup your money in a timely fashion if your startup costs are too high.

What will be your focus in the industry? How does your product or production style add value? Find your niche and stick to it. Analyze the market and be flexible.

Adding a small-scale beef production to your ranch could be the perfect fit for you. Remember, this can always be expanded later. Have patience and rest assured knowing that you’re adding to your business and on your way to producing great beef. From Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, we welcome you. If you decide buying your grass-fed beef from us is more your speed, we’ve still got you covered