The start of a new year is the perfect time to work on some resolutions. Pursuing better health is a popular choice, but we’re here to show you just how you can do it with grass-fed beef. Did you know eating more beef can reduce the inflammation in your body? We’ll explain why in today’s blog. Visit our website for more nutritional information and healthy recipes.

Inflammatory Foods
If you’ve ever spoken to a doctor about inflammation or just noticed it in your own body, you might know or suspect that many foods in the typical Western diet cause inflammation in our body. While a little swelling might not seem serious, a diet full of this imbalance can lead to coronary heart disease, asthma, cancer, and autoimmune diseases. 

Omega-3’s and 6’s
These are polyunsaturated fatty acids that are essential, meaning we have to get them through food because our bodies cannot make them on their own. While we need both, having the correct ratio of one to the other is important for our health. These fatty acids work on many areas of our body, like the cell membranes and the retina, but they also affect inflammation. To learn more about the nutrients that come from grass-fed beef, click here

Grass-Fed Beef Leads to Less Inflammation
Omega-3’s are found in abundance in grass-fed beef through alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), one of the three types of Omega-3 fatty acids. ALA is only found in plants such as nuts and seeds and the grass that pasture-raised cattle eat. While grass-finished cattle are soaking up the nutrients from grass to pass to us, grain-finished cattle, or conventional beef, are busy being fed fattening ingredients. If you guessed that these are inflammatory foods disrupting our balance of Omega-3’s and 6’s, you’d be correct.

Choosing grass-fed beef over grain-fed beef helps our body control inflammation, and therefore keeps us healthier. Start the year out right by making this substitute in your diet. Visit our website to purchase your own.