Not all foods are created equal.

With a variety of diets on the market, it can be hard to know what to eat to give our bodies the fuel we need. In today’s blog, we’ll be discussing what makes a meal plan dense with nutrients. You can accomplish that with foods you can find locally, like from farms and ranches like Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch. Grass-fed beef is a great component in a nutrient-dense diet. Visit our website for more information on what we do here; we’d like to share it with you!

What is nutrient density? This term can mean a variety of things to different people, but conventional practitioners define nutrient-dense foods as being high in nutrient value but relatively low in calories.

What are the types of nutrients? The nutrients in our food are split into two categories, macronutrients, and micronutrients. Macronutrients include the three main substances we have to consume in large quantities: protein, carbohydrates, and fats. Micronutrients are required by the body in smaller amounts to maintain a healthy normal body function. While they’re required in lower amounts, they’re still just as important.

What’s essential? Nutrient density refers to the overall nutrition of the food, but specifically to the micronutrients and amino acids (the building blocks of protein) which are essential nutrients. The reason we differentiate between essential vs. nonessential nutrients is that the body can manufacture a limited amount of nonessential nutrients on its own. Essential nutrients cannot be provided by the body and must come from outside sources.

What foods should we eat? In order to provide your body with nutrient-rich food with essential (and nonessential) nutrients, experts recommend a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables, legumes, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and, you guessed it, lean meat. Grass-fed beef fits perfectly into this category, giving you the great taste of beef with lower calories and higher nutrient levels than conventionally-raised beef. To purchase your own, visit our website.

Grass-fed beef is perfect for your well-balanced diet, and we have a variety of recipe recommendations fit for every meal. Check out our blog to see them and try them out yourself.