Incorporate grass-fed beef into your holiday meal!

Whether you’re grilling for a summer barbecue or winter dinner party, we’ve got some tips to make every occasion special with grass-fed beef. Today we’ll share some grilling hints that will help your grass-fed beef turn out to be the crowd favorite at your holiday gathering. Be sure to check out our blog for more grass-fed beef recipes fit for every occasion.

Differences in Texture – Many people think grass-fed beef is less tender than conventionally-raised beef. That’s not actually the case, but it’s easy to see where the confusion happens. Due to grass-fed beef having room to roam and graze, they have well-defined muscle textures in contrast to the more flaccid muscles that come from grain-fed beef. Grass-fed beef does need to be cooked gently to keep its tenderness and abundant flavor. With the right techniques, a tender and flavorful grass-fed steak is easy to achieve.

Seasoning – For both indoor and outdoor cooking, we recommend seasoning with a mixture of salt, pepper and garlic. Try about 1-2 tablespoons of each and 1-2 cloves of garlic for each steak, assuming a 1-2 pound steak. Allow meat to come to room temperature after seasoning and before cooking.

Outdoor Cooking – For cooking on a gas grill, turn off all but one of the burners once it has come to temperature. For charcoal, rake all the coals to one side. Sear the steaks for 2-3 minutes on each side directly over the flame, keeping the lid down. Then move the steaks to the opposite side and continue cooking with the lid down, without flipping, until they reach 120-135 degrees F. Ready to take this method on a trip? Learn about our retreat offerings at Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch.

Indoor Cooking – Similarly, heat a cast-iron skillet over a high flame, adding butter once hot. Sear the steak for 2-3 minutes on each side. While you’re doing that, preheat the oven to 200 degrees F. Insert a meat thermometer and cook until 120-135 degrees F.

These tips will help your holiday meal shine bright. Don’t forget the most important part: the grass-fed beef! Purchase yours from Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch.