Learn how grazing can help put nutrients back into your soil.

Conventional beef and grass-fed beef might sound almost the same. However, there are so many differences between the two choices. The way they are raised has a huge impact on their nutritional value, which they pass along to the consumer. They also contribute to soil health in very different ways. Learn how grass-fed beef can help regenerate the soil they live and graze on in today’s blog post. You can read more about cattle’s contribution to the environment in articles on our website.

Rotational Grazing – While conventional cattle-raising practices herd cows together into small feedlots, we utilize rotational grazing to mimic the grazing styles of herd animals from long ago, like the American bison. By rotating them to different pastures, we nourish the soil and allow the grass and crops to grow back after being fertilized by the cattle’s manure. The next time the cows come back to that pasture to graze, they’ll have grass that’s even better than before. Rotational grazing also helps speed up the growth of grass!

Carbon Emission – Cows are known for emitting methane gas, contributing to global warming and emissions in the air. Studies on feedlot cows have shown they emit 15-30 pounds of carbon per pound of meat produced!

Carbon Sequestering – Grass-fed cows can have the opposite effect though and help to take carbon out of the atmosphere. The grass they use to nourish themselves also plays a huge part in atmospheric health. It’s working overtime to take carbon out of the air and, when managed properly with rotational practices, has a huge positive impact on air and soil quality throughout the cow’s lifetime. You can learn more about grass-fed farming and restoration on our website.

With the amazing impact grass-fed cattle has on soil quality and pollution, combined with the nutritional benefits and great taste, buying grass-fed beef is a no-brainer. Visit our website to order your own for your family.