At Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch, we want to provide you with as much information as possible about our food. That’s why we publish resources on grazing practices, nutrition, and even water supply. One thing you may be confused about is determining the different cuts of meat on the cow and how best to use them when cooking. We’ll provide details today. 

Let’s start with the porterhouse cut and the T-bone steak. There isn’t a substantial difference between these two pieces, but connoisseurs will definitely have their favorite. Porterhouse steaks are typically favored by steakhouses, while backyard grill novices love the T-bone. They’re from the same area on the cow, but T-bone steak is further down the short loin. The name “T-bone” actually describes both cuts, since it means two different types of meat split by a bone. One side is a strip steak, while the other is a more tender portion. The T-bone cut is less tender than the tenderloin side of the porterhouse; that side on the porterhouse is where the filet mignon comes from. 

The prime rib and the ribeye are also often confused. Like the cuts mentioned before, both come from the same part of the cow (in this case it’s the ribs). The difference is in their preparation. Ribeye is a portion of meat from the prime rib that is detached from the bone, while prime rib is cooked with the bone in, attaining juices that way. We think you’ll love the grill recipes listed here. 

Flank steak and skirt steak can look and taste rather similar, but they come from two completely different sections of the cow. Flank steak is from the abdominal area, while the skirt steak is from the diaphragm section. Both are great for tacos, but be careful not to overcook them. Because they’re from sections that are close to muscle, they can easily overcook into something not so delicious. 

We hope this has cleared up some confusion and made it all the more simple to cook some delicious grass-fed beef. To order your own, visit our website