If you’ve read some of our other blogs or ever researched grass-fed beef before, you know it has several health benefits and is a much healthier alternative to eating conventionally-raised beef. Some of these benefits include higher vitamin levels, antioxidants and lower saturated fat. Today, we’ll be exploring vitamin A, which occurs in higher levels in grass-fed beef than grain-fed beef. We’ll give you all the details below on what vitamin A can do for your body.

Vitamin A: Vitamin A is actually the generic term for a group of fat-soluble compounds. These compounds are imperative to your health and have a lot of added benefits, too. The Department of Health and Human Services recommends that adult men should ingest 900mcg and adult women get 700mcg per day.

Vitamin A compounds come in two different forms: preformed, which is found in animal products like dairy, chicken, fish and of course grass-fed beef; and provitamin A carotenoids, which is found in plants. Preformed vitamin A, the type that comes from grass-fed beef, is in an active state and ready for your body to use. 

Eyesight:  Vitamin A can help prevent the decline of eyesight as our eyes age. It can also help prevent the development of night blindness.

Acne: Experiencing breakouts? A vitamin A deficiency could be to blame, as keratin follicles go into overproduction when this occurs, causing blockages of the pores. 

Immunity: Getting the recommended amount of vitamin A each day will help keep your immune system working the best that it can, which is more important now than ever. Vitamin A is involved in the mucous barriers that help protect your body from bad bacteria, as well as the production and function of white blood cells. Some studies have even shown a link to reduced risk of some types of cancers. 

While many of the benefits of vitamin A are still being researched, getting an adequate amount of the vitamin each day will help your body perform at its best. What better way to get it from grass-fed beef? Visit our website to get yours today.