Marinating is a great tool to use with nearly any meat in your kitchen, but it especially works great with grass-fed beef. Soaking the cut of meat in a marinade for a period of time helps to loosen up tough muscle fibers, add moisture to the meat, and help deliver delicious flavor to your plate. Today we’ll discuss the different parts of a marinade, what you should incorporate into your own, and how to use it to make a tender piece of beef. Visit our website to learn more about grass-fed beef

Make Your Own Marinade
While there are many store-bought marinade options, once you understand the components, it’s easy to make your own at home. This gives you the ability to customize based on specific taste preferences, desired flavors, or even allergy requirements. 

Components of a Marinade
Marinades classically use an acid, like vinegar, lemon juice, or apple cider vinegar, to loosen up tough muscle fibers. That’s accompanied by an oil or fat, like olive, coconut, or avocado oil, yogurt, or mayonnaise, which rounds out sharp flavors and carries fat-soluble spices to the meat while working to retain moisture. 

Customizing a Marinade
Once you’ve got the base ingredients, which can be changed up at any time, you can experiment with the rest based on the dish you’re creating and the flavors you desire. Add a sugar component, like agave, honey or molasses, to add dimension to your flavor profile. Every good marinade needs a salt, but it can be anything from your favorite pink Himalayan sea salt to pickle juice or soy sauce. 

Using Your Marinade
When using your marinade, be careful not to let it sit for too long. Sometimes 30 minutes is enough to loosen up some cuts or types of meat, while other pieces may need an overnight soak. For recipes, visit our blog

Ready to use your new marinating knowledge at a picnic? Schedule your event at Dark Hammock Legacy Ranch by visiting our website.